Template:Trigate Medium Sophont Summary: Difference between revisions

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<table class="table" id="medium_race_summary_table" style="margin-bottom: auto;">
<table class="table" id="medium_sophont_summary_table" style="margin-bottom: auto;">
     <tr style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;">
     <tr style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;">
<td style="vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; width: 120px;">Status</td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; width: 120px;">Status</td>

Revision as of 18:26, 26 July 2019

{{Trigate Medium Sophont Summary
|xenonym          = enter the actual name of the race (e.g. Karayib Elf, etc.) [Xenonym = Foreign Name]
|factioncolor     = enter the color for the faction (e.g. #598CBF)
|status           = enter the race's standing with the council or other status
|homeplane        = enter the race's home plane
|type             = enter the race's types (mammalian, reptilian, etc, with subtype, elf, etc)
|languages        = enter the race's native languages, if any
|lifespan         = enter the race's typical lifespan
|height           = enter the race's average height, followed by min/max
|weight           = enter the race's average weight, followed by min/max
|skintype         = type of skin (skin, bark, scales, shell, etc.)
|skincolors       = colors of skin type
|hairtype         = type of hair (hair, feathers, leaves, etc.)
|haircolors       = colors of hair type
|eyecolors        = eye colors
|distinctions     = enter appearance distinctions here
|cultures         = enter the races subcultures, if any exist
|terrain          = enter the race's favored terrains
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