Template:Trigate Plane Summary/Luan Apach

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Native Languages Tŭa
Demonym Luani Apachi
Size (Circumference) Plane size::36,279.442 km
Type Mesa
Satellites Łichíí
Hours per Day 22
Planar Capital Binshdaah
Largest City Binshdaah
Notable Countries None
Native Sophonts Canyon Folklings
Ethnic Groups 89.5% Chidikáágu
33.2% Guułgahénde
8.5% Shá’i’ánde
1.9% Other
Human Ratio 14%
Population ≈ 22.3 Million
Leaders Gouyen and Eskiminzin Elan
Council Proxies Bipin Crowfeather
Cocheta Elan
Ih-tedda of the River
Nantan Taza
Ambient Magic ◼◼◼◼◻ — Rich
Planar Neighbors Gōngjiā
Planar Exports Metals, Precious Metals, Precious Stones, Soil, Elemental Materials, Fresh Water, Fish Leather, Seafood
Planar Imports Wood, Stone, Grain, Fruit, Vegetables
Properties Luan Apach Properties

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