Luan Apach

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Native Languages Tŭa
Demonym Luani Apachi
Size (Circumference) 36,279.442 km
Type Mesa
Satellites Łichíí
Hours per Day 22
Planar Capital Binshdaah
Largest City Binshdaah
Notable Countries None
Native Sophonts Tséyi Folklings
Ethnic Groups 89.5% Chidikáágu
33.2% Guułgahénde
8.5% Shá’i’ánde
1.9% Other
Human Ratio 14%
Population ≈ 22.3 Million
Leaders Gouyen and Eskiminzin Elan
Council Proxies Bipin Crowfeather
Cocheta Elan
Ih-tedda of the River
Nantan Taza
Ambient Magic — Rich
Planar Neighbors Gōngjiā
Planar Exports Metals, Precious Metals, Precious Stones, Soil, Elemental Materials, Fresh Water, Fish Leather, Seafood
Planar Imports Wood, Stone, Grain, Fruit, Vegetables
Properties Luan Apach Properties

The first thing that strikes you when you come through the Trigate is the very ground you walk on; the earth is a striking red color, almost crimson. The barren, rugged landscape is flat for miles upon miles except for pillar-like piles of stone. As of now, we do not know if they are natural or cairn-like structures set in place by whatever intelligent life is here.

Needless to say, food and water are scarce, the air is crisp but the sight of vermillion hues displayed in both earth and sky on a sunrise almost makes the trip worthwhile.

Journal of Explorer Bei Wei Min, member of the first exploration parties in the First Age

Luan Apach is one of the oldest Planes to take part in the Planar Council's history. As such, the native inhabitants, the Tséyi Folklings, can be found almost everywhere amongst the Planar Council's reach. The peace-loving inhabitants have always contributed to the best interests of the Council's will and the Tséyi Folkling's wanderlust is well known.

A small world, the environment is dusty and old. The world is famous for its massive reaches of sandstone which ranges from hues of yellow and orange to deep, dark reds. There are forests that run along the base of the higher mountain ridges, as well as a few tropical forests in the warmer parts of the continent. Most of the plant life, however, is limited to grasses, shrubs, and cacti. The world is covered with a single massive continent dubbed Apac Netin by the natives.

There are two main separate ecosystems that exist on Luan Apach. On the dry, barren surface massive creatures that exhibit strange diets feasting on the earth itself exist. The primary ecosystem, however, resides deep within the massive canyons that run along the length of the continent. This is where the primary intelligent life-forms and all major settlements exist within Luan Apach.

The World



The surface of Luan Apach is covered by a single continent that has multiple contained bodies of water ranging from inner seas to massive lakes. There are three major mountain ranges which feed massive rivers that snake through Apac Netin. Slightly over a third of the world's surface is covered by water, with a few islands existing off of Apac Netin's shores.

The majority of Luan Apach's surface is sandstone and sand, ranging from bright to lesser common darker reds. Erosion from intense winds has flattened the large, open areas of Apac Netin which makes sandstorms frequent. As you venture closer to the existing mountains, the earth changes from sand to soil which houses the only existing forests which completely surround the mountain landscape. These areas are lush, verdant and teeming with wildlife in contrast to the surface barrens. These forests contain trees almost entirely coniferous in nature, though some of the more venturous cacti and other plants from the surface thrive as well.

Though the surface is mainly flat there are placements of stones in natural and unnatural shapes that do litter the landscape. The larger ones can be seen for quite some distance and often aid in navigation across the usually repetitive and unchanging land.

The rivers that once rushed across the landscape carved deep valleys and canyons that cover the entirety of Apac Netin's landscape. Though these rivers are nowhere near as deep as they once were, they provide ample fresh water to the ecosystems that thrive in the contained environment. The rivers further divide into streams, brooks, and creeks, seemingly forever cutting up the landscape.

There is evidence of stellar impacts in several regions of the world's surface, though only one in the last thousand years.

Atmosphere and Weather

Put your guard down due to the calm weather and you'll end up the same as the skeletons littering the desert.

Ciye Naiche the Trickster

The air is thick and crisp, presenting no breathing difficulties to most Planar races. When traveling on the surface, it is advised one prepare for possible sandstorms.

Weather over Apac Netin is typically mild, with a distinct border between dry and wet climes. The further away from the mountains you go, the dryer it typically gets. Differences in air pressure cause moisture to remain at high altitudes and build up around the mountainous regions, fueling both the life surrounding them and the thousands of rivers that have cut canyons into the landscape. Thanks to the cover the canyons provide, the more intense wind and sandstorms usually do not interfere with those ecosystems. Thunderstorms and rain are also common around the shores of the seas and lakes inside of Apac Netin, which can also be found all along the lower exposed northern coasts against the ocean.

Temperatures usually range from 80°F to 130°F in the flat barrens with the canyons being cooler, typically between 60°F and 80°F. Due to the salinity of the water contained in the ocean and the non-fresh seas and lakes, the areas around the coasts and on the actual bodies of water can be quite hot. Native advice is to bundle up for sea travel just as you would crossing the desert.

There are two distinct seasons, notable in the change in temperature, migratory patterns and stars visible.

Natural Resources

Luan Apach is a world rich in mineral resources: metals, gems, jewels, and soil are available in incredible amounts. Elemental materials can also be found in abundance, mainly those of the Earth and Water subtype. The wide variety of plant and animal life in the canyon and forest regions also provides ample resources.


Luan Apach is for the most part magically rich, though there are several areas, some quite massive, where levels either reach magical norms or poorer status. The richest areas are the peaks of the mountains, which may play into some of the native culture's mountainous pilgrimages. Magical energies are often at their poorest in the environments of the barrens.


Main article: Luani Apachi Flora and Fauna

There are two major ecosystems present on Luan Apach: That of the canyons, and that of the barrens and forests.


You can always tell who the off-worlders are, as they refer to the above as "barren". Truly, it is anything but... remaining hidden from those who don't care or lack the time to see.

Kai Notah, Tséyi Folkling Explorer

Life is hard on the barren surface: it is hot and you are constantly exposed to the sun as well as there being a severe lack of water. The wildlife that has evolved in this environment consists mainly of smaller rhizovorous (root-eating) creatures and their predators, and the massive Six-Columns as they are called by the natives.

Flora in the barren regions mainly consists of an assortment of grasses though larger shrubs, bushes, and cacti also exist. A lot of cacti existing in this region have developed ways of protecting themselves from being eaten or drained of fluid; some are covered with millions of tiny spines whilst others develop toxins for protection. In areas that have higher amounts of rainfall, plants that produce edible fruit, berries and nuts can be found. In all areas, tubers can also be dug up with some effort.

Wildlife in this environment resembles what you would normally find in desert climates on other planes with the exception of being hexapodal in nature. There are several larger notable predators, some of which venture down into the canyon ecosystems for food.

Six-Columns are incredibly gigantic hexapod creatures, their size rivaling the tallest structures built on other planes. They are covered in a dense, thick fur that ranges from brown, gray and black that covers their entire body with the exception of their undersides and digits. Stretching from their body is a long, serpentine neck that ends in a toothed maw with a spade-like tongue. Six-Columns are lithivores, subsiding on a diet of minerals extracted from the sand, dirt, and rock. They use their long necks to drink from the water on the bottoms of canyons when no larger bodies are available, though they are capable of storing water for months at a time.

There are a few Six-Columns that have grown in such size that they hold entire small settlements on their backs. Historically these settlements have been at the whim of the Six-Columns migration patterns, however, there have been a few Six-Columns trained from birth that have been tamed and show signs of higher intelligence.


The forests contain more than five times the number of species than can be found in the Barrens alone. A massive variety of life exists in these regions, from gummivorous (sap-eating) insects, massive dendrovorous (tree-eating) worms, nucivorous (nut-eating) reptiles that are poisonous to even a few species which exhibit semi-intelligent social and cultural behaviors. All of the developed life in this region can be traced to evolutionary predecessors located in the barrens regions and in some cases, even the life found in the canyons.

The climate around the mountains is the only reason why this much life can thrive in these wooded areas. The mountains block much of the ocean air that carries water from reaching the central regions of Apac Netin, causing the wet air to accumulate around the peaks until massive rain or thunderstorms form. This immense amount of water is what is constantly fueling all the rivers that end up carrying it back into the surrounding ocean or inner lakes. The regions around the mountains are thus constantly wet which when combined with actual soil is what allows the dense, thick forests to form. After the intense rains, fog and mist cover the air. Though regions around the inner lakes and seas are also wetter then the barrens, the lack of any developed soil prevents anything other than the numerous cacti, bush and shrub species from thriving there, making the forests the only capable region of sustaining vast amounts of flora.


It is an amazing thing. The canyon waterways, I mean. The rivers and streams are like a natural system of highways that they took advantage of. Of course, sometimes there are things lurking in the river, but what roadway doesn't have bandits or monsters?

Musings of a random Human that visited Luan Apach

The ecosystems that exist within the confined canyon environments seems to have been an evolutionary offshoot from the rest of Apac Netin. Not only is it the only ecosystem where one can find mammalian life, but it exhibits the typical bipedal skeleton structure found elsewhere.

With the guaranteed supply of water, the plant life thrives in the canyons. Though some tree-like life has grown, a majority of the plants are either moss, vines or fungal in nature. The rivers are full of water-based plants as well.

The rivers also show a wide variety of fish and other aquatic creatures. Turtles serve as an ample foodstuff, as do the species of waterfowl. Though some dangerous species exist, they are few and far between. Several kinds of primate make the canyons their home, some even displaying above-average animal intelligence. Aside from the primates and other mammalian life, amphibians reign supreme.

The People


The native inhabitants of Luan Apach, the Tséyi Folklings, have a rich oral history. It is passed down from father to son each generation.

Before the First Age

Before the arrival of the Planar Council, the Tséyi Folklings had an animistic culture, combined with certain aspects of shamanic and ancestor worship.

Tséyi Folklings existed in tribal units, forming small colonies within the protective canyons. With ample food supplies and readily accessible resources, the tribal communities soon grew both in number and in size. At some point in their history, a large number of Tséyi Folklings pursued an alternative lifestyle as opposed to living in the canyons. These people wandered the barrens for many years before eventually learning and mastering the craft of taming and living with the Six-Columns that thrive in that environment.

The natives enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence amongst the tribes, though the same cannot be said for some of the other more intelligent species that share their world. Several major conflicts have been fought against their planar equivalents of naga, the Whitewater Ophidium. Other native sophonts have been known to cause issues from time to time as well.

The First Age

A group of Humans, Bone Skinks and Zuìgāo Elves were the first nonnatives to step foot on Luan Apach. As part of the Planar Council's plan to fund groups willing to explore and possibly colonize beyond the Trigates, the group was one of the first successes the new Council was able to claim.

That, however, is not to say that it wasn't without its hardships. The drastically different landscape presented immense challenges and claimed many lives before the initial contact with the Tséyi Folkling three years later. Once contact was made, however, adopting the knowledge the Tséyi Folklings possessed to thrive in their environment led to the success and development of future colonies.

Luckily for the Planar Council and the exploring party, the Tséyi Folklings welcomed the nonnatives peacefully.

As more and more colonists from other planes arrived on Luan Apach, so did the Tséyi Folklings start leaving their home to explore others. Many of them would be fundamental in the growth of the Planar Council's future.

I remember first meeting the Tséyi Folklings, of course, they weren't called that then. They welcomed us, fed us and took us in to protect us from their native environment. It went infinitely better than we originally expected.

Journal of Hareem Barbaros, member of the first exploration parties in the First Age

The Second Age

Life for the Tséyi Folklings did not change much after the fall of the first Council, though Luan Apach greeted thousands of refugees from the ensuing civil war. After the formation of the Second Council, the Tséyi Folklings were given an official seat with representatives.

With the recent influx of new colonists, The Shá’i’ánde began to practice their craft in a greater capacity, turning large swathes of land that were previously incapable of growing plants now able to do so. For the first time, cities and villages sprouted up above the river canyons.

Third Age

The Golden Age that existed throughout the Council Worlds was not as kind to Luan Apach. In the years of the Third Age, several notable things happened:

  • A large stellar object struck the southern portion of the Apac Netin continent, accelerating tectonic activity in the years since. Aside from earthquakes, volcanoes and other geological hazards, it appears the object carried with it many beings of Stellar Elemental properties. They are incredibly aggressive.
  • Several large groups of colonists belonging to the Bone Watch arrived. The Bone Watch cultists have set up several major cities in the barrens, which thrive even with lack of proper food and water. They have created several regions of Necromantic energy and the undead increase in number.
  • Due to many long years of miscommunication between them, the Shá’i’ánde members of the Tséyi Folklings have gone into exile. Since the Shá’i’ánde were adept in the arts of Naturamancy, many projects involving farms and wildlife have either slowed or halted entirely, causing many cities that exist outside of the canyons to have shortages of food and other supplies essential to their survival.

Fourth Age

After the return of Joukenhainen and the decline of the Council, the majority of the Tséyi Folklings and other Luani Apachi citizens came to the realization that even though they were peaceful in nature, they couldn't afford to be entirely pacifistic. Tséyi Folkling guerrilla fighters can be found in the front lines in many engagements, using their unique hunting skills and small sizes to cause discord in the Recreant's forces.

Standing armies have increased as well during the Fourth Age, due to increased enemy activity from groups such as the Bone Watch.


On Luan Apach

Luan Apach is one of the few planes to be entirely run by a single governmental body. The Luani Apachi government is called the Council of Tribes; it functions as a representative republic with representatives from each tribe having a number of votes based on their tribe's population. While this means that the higher populated tribes can essentially out-vote the lesser ones, there are many tribes with lower populations which when combined, outnumber the greater ones. Due to this fact, the system usually balances out as the tribes with lower populations can group together to vote against things that would directly harm them.

The Council of Tribes is maintained and run by a voted in married couple. The sworn-in couple maintains, runs and can break ties for any votes that end up deadlocked. No single person can be voted into the position; marriage is considered one of the greatest unions to the Tséyi Folklings, and shows commitment to something other than one's self.

While the Luani Apachi government is extremely effective, they do not allow non-Tséyi Folkling species to take part in its workings. In rare cases where something must be brought to the attention of the Council of Tribes from an outsider, they must approach one of the tribal representatives: only they can bring up the issue in front of the Council of Tribes.

The Council of Tribes is located in Binshdaah, the largest and most populated city upon Luan Apach.

In the Planar Council

The Planar Council representatives from Luan Apach have had representatives since the Second Age. When it comes to votes, the Tséyi Folklings tend to vote against measures of war, aggression, invasion or conquest. They also tend to vote against measures involving wide-spread or reckless use of magic, psionics or technology. Measures involving increases in infrastructure, civilian aid, exploration, and colonization always have a tendency to draw their votes.

We cannot allow the rampant, wanton spread of these "machines" that have been displayed here. We have always had a delicate relationship with nature; we take, we give and we both thrive. These… things can clear a forest in days when the sweat and work of our own kind would take months. I understand progress, but I also understand limits and balance.

We, the Tséyi Folkling proxies of which our duty is to represent our kind in this esteemed council, unanimously vote against allowing the resources of the Planar Council to go towards developing, building and using these monsters of industry.

Speech by Pawhuska Topsana to the Planar Council, Collected in "The Greatest Accounts of Planar Council Speeches, Volume DCXII"


Luan Apach's standing military is tiny compared to those fielded by other planes. Instead, the Tséyi Folkling residents tend to fill the role as specialists in other units, and non-native residents joining Planar Council military service.

The standing Luani Apachi militia tends to focus on hit and run tactics, something the Tséyi Folklings excel at. Due to their pacifistic nature, the militia's role is mainly defensive, though strikes against the increasing number of Bone Watcher settlements has increased as of late.


The cultural elements of the Luani Apachi peoples derive from a shared historical source but vary on the tribal level. The tribes, having shared a history in which war and aggression were rare have developed many cultural links between them. Due to this, a lot of things may be similar on a basic level but further observation reveals the differences of each tribe.

Religion and Spirituality

There were only the basic tenants of religion when the Tséyi Folklings made contact with the Planar Council's colonization party during the First Age. Tséyi Folkling beliefs were severely rooted in the concepts of animism and ancestor worship, believing that all things, living or not, have a soul which needs to be respected. Their ancestor's souls are believed to mingle in the landscape, a belief that motivated early Tséyi Folkling tribes to build religious artifacts and sites of worship.

Luani Apachi residents are taught from an early age to thank things that are killed so that its spirit can move on peacefully. This practice is a major part of Luani Apachi hunting rituals, though even in the case of murder, assassination or any other cause of death the Luani Apachi thank the deceased.

Tséyi Folklings in modern times combine their personal beliefs with those of the Infinite Children, as the two are usually not mutually exclusive.

They tell us the Infinite Children have a myriad of forms, perhaps the gods of the night sky are part of that?

A random Canyon Folking overheard during the First Age

Society and Traditions

Traditional Luani Apachi society tends to be loose, but this may vary by tribe. Generally, family values are considered very important with families having immense respect for the family patriarch or matriarch and their ancestors. Luani Apachi have a very strong work ethic and go above and beyond to ensure that their work is completed to the best of their ability in a timely fashion.

Tattooing plays an important part in tribal tradition, each tribe having their own unique markings and choice of colors. One trained in Luani Apachi culture can determine one's position and tribe by examining these tattoos. Many Tséyi Folklings born offworld will try to come to Luan Apach at some point in their lives to receive their tattoos as not having them tends to be a source of shame. While they are welcomed, Tséyi Folklings who come to Luan Apach with no tribal identity and tattoos are often treated as lesser citizens and open to ridicule.

Hunting rituals also play a large part in Luani Apachi culture though it is something mainly only expected from Tséyi Folkling natives. Most tribes have some sort of ritualistic hunt that must be completed before members can be considered adults. These hunts are endurance hunts, meaning that the hunter must track his prey and continually chase it until the beast falls from exhaustion. Some tribes are different, requiring the hunter to kill large or elusive prey. After a successful kill, the hunter offers thanks the killed beast, allowing it a peaceful exit into its next life. A successful kill without the ending ritual is a cause of great insult and can lead to tribal exile.

Families tend to live together regardless of generation. Large homes are carved out of the rock or constructed in the canyons, the more elaborate of them complete with family catacombs, gardens and areas for swimming. The importance of family means marriage is a cause for major celebration. Most tribes hold all marriages on the same day so that the entire tribe can be involved and partake in the ceremonies.

Education for children is done on a tribal level, with everyone in the tribe teaching what they know to children. One day children can learn about processing dye, the next they could be taught surveying.

There are many holidays on Luan Apach, many of them involving large feasts, alcohol, and dancing. The most popular holiday is Denyii Cenuu, where the tribes send teams to race in their war canoes down the various rivers that snake across the landscape.


Luani Apachi cuisine is a sophisticated subject, as many dishes are prepared with a large variety of spices and herbs. The primary part of Luani Apachi meals is a soup-like creation that is set to cook over the course of a day. The most popular soups are bisques created with the ample amounts of seafood available, but this again something that varies from tribe to tribe. Bread and grains also serve an important role, with ovens often being carved directly into the rock. These ovens are also used to prepare meat and fish when they are not to be used in a soup.


Clothes worn by citizens of Luani Apachi tend to be simple, being more for function than form. Lightweight and loose, Luani Apachi garbs are designed to cover the body to protect from excessive heat and exposure to the sun. Made usually from hide or leather, they are marked with the same type of markings and colors as the tribal tattoos. Though cloth and silk are readily available, they have never caught on with the Luani Apachi people, instead being used for things other than clothing.

The decoration of clothing is something many Luani Apachi invest much time in, as it is considered not only a form of tribal expression but personal expression as well. Beads, feathers, shells, bones, and markings made from various inks and dyes make every piece of clothing unique, even those available for purchase.

Arms and Armor

Luani Apachi arms and armor display the preference of speed and grace over brute strength and endurance.

Each warrior has skills as a hunter due to the role of hunting in their tribal culture, so it shouldn't be surprising that their preferred weapon is the bow. Archery is a pivotal skill for all Luani Apachi, and the culture has evolved some unique developments not seen elsewhere. Bowfishing has lead to arrows that are fired with a line attached to a reel built on to the bow, though the same method is also used for hunting small birds and other prey.

Aside from their bows, Luani Apachi are known to favor spears, another weapon that also serves a purpose in hunting. Most hunting spears are simply sharpened sticks, whereas spears designed for fighting and war are intricately crafted with many decorations and a head fashioned either from stone, metal or bone. The highest prized spears have heads made from the beak of swordfish found in the deepest rivers.

The only weapon used that was specifically designed for fighting is a blade-like weapon made from wood and lined with the teeth of various predatory fish. The native Tŭa word for the weapon is Caloawoh, which translated literally means "Shark Tooth". These toothed blades range in size and shape and can be found short, straight, curved or long. As the shape, size, and sharpness of the teeth vary from which species they are taken from, these weapons usually are used either as slashing or piercing weapons with masterwork examples being capable of both.

As the Luani Apachi prefer to be quick over armored, the armors available are designed to be light though there are some war garments made that are slightly heavier. More often then not, hunting clothes are made from thin leather and padded cloth. It is typical to find armor reinforced with examples of quillwork, where quills from animals are lined horizontally up and down the chest and leg pieces. These quills are extremely durable and light, giving the enhanced armor properties similar to banded armor found elsewhere.

The heaviest of the light armors used by the Luani Apachi is thick leather armors made from the pelts of the mammalian life found inside the canyons. The finest of these, however, are made from reptile scale, with masterwork examples being constructed from the flesh of amphibious creatures or fish leather. These armors are usually also padded with reeds and cloth.

The armor the Luani Apachi wear for war is lighter then what is typically found elsewhere. The warriors that are expecting to fight in melee combat wear heavy leather armor, reinforced with stone plates, sewn-in shells and thickened cloth padding. Larger shells are used to protect the shoulders and joints, with hollowed-out turtle shells used for protective headwear. These suits of armor have to be crafted for each person individually, as measurement and proper padding are paramount for protective wear.


Though Allspeak is predominant on Luan Apach, the Tséyi Folklings had one major language before joining the Planar Council. As the Tséyi Folklings have a strong oral culture, teaching this language to their children is a high priority. Few non-native residents choose to pick up the language, and even rarer are those Tséyi Folklings who refuse to learn it.

The language developed by the Tséyi Folklings is called Tŭa. It has no written component, instead relying on images to express ideas and concept. Luani Apachi instead relies on Allspeak's written form for writing. Though there is a slight variation of the language per tribe, the difference in dialects is not overly difficult to understand with a decent understanding of Tŭa.

Music and Entertainment

Dancing plays a large part in Luani Apachi culture and is a major part of most festivals and a core component for ritualistic storytelling. These dances are typically circular in nature done around massive bonfires, though there are a wide number of different dances. Music also plays a major role in these dances as well, often guiding the movement with changing beats and tempos. Most musical instruments are percussive, ranging from drums to rattles, though there are a number of varying wind instruments as well. There is a unique lack of string instruments found in native music.

Aside from dancing, shadowgraphy and shadow puppetry is incredibly common, being used to provide imagery during storytelling. Storytellers are known to combine hand shadows with puppets or have pieces of wood, bone or stone carved to display unique shadows.


Magic has no major role in Luani Apachi culture except to those of the Shá’i’ánde ethnicity. Since joining the Planar Council, magic is used as a tool on the minimal level, with very few Tséyi Folkling wizards being anything more than instruments of aid, assisting in development, health, and other passive activities.

To the Shá’i’ánde however, magic plays a vital role. They are known to undertake pilgrimages that can take years to the highest mountain peaks, places on Luan Apach where magic is at its richest. At these sites, they are known to construct towers that glow at night, capable being seen miles away. While at these locations the Shá’i’ánde peoples heal and cleanse themselves and enhance seeds they have gathered from plants to assist in their growth. During their pilgrimages they plant these seeds while collecting others, helping to propagate outward from the wooded regions surrounding the mountains.

Though magic has no defining place in Luani Apachi society, Tséyi Folklings are known to pick up the craft rather easily. Offworld Tséyi Folklings seem to have a preference for Naturamancy, though wizards of all types can be found. Later in life, these wizards may come back to Luani Apachi to teach others but any aspiring Tséyi Folkling practitioner knows their best bet for training is off-world.

The people thank me on a daily basis for the crafts I practice: increasing the bounty of their crops, bringing variety to their harvests and making their livestock more healthy. I have personally been responsible for seeing the villages of the valley grow, their populations increasing in number.

I tell them that I learned my Naturatheurgic abilities from the Tséyi Folklings on Luan Apach. The Tséyi Folklings that live here are happy I honor their homeplane and their teachings.

Journal of Mongkut Willapana, Taktaen Mantid Naturamancer

The Places

Main article: Notable Luani Apachi locations

Lore Points

  • The Bone Watch has only grown and become more of a threat. Upon scouring the crater of the meteorite that caused much geologic stress, they captured the Stellar Elemental beings and have begun stealing their energies to create new elementally infused undead.
  • The Shá’i’ánde, still in their state of exile, have dwindled in number. Though other Naturamancers have come to assist in the growth of aspiring cities, the Shá’i’ánde with their tie to their homeworld are still the uncontested masters of it, capable of working miracles in hours what would take days or weeks for others. Due to the change of the food distribution for cities above the canyons, populations are more spread out. This has also caused crime to increase.
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