Zuìgāo Elf

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Others will tell you that we are no different from them, in that we should demand no more respect and they should demand no less.

This, however, is not the way of the Zuìgāo. We know that if your ancestors were not the best they could be, you would be Zuìxiǎo. However, look upon yourself — clearly, you are not! You are of a better blood, superior in every way to them. You are one of us, one of the Zuìgāo. Take pride in this if you were not to do so in any other thing.

Remember, what the Zuìgāo seeks is in himself; what everyone else seeks is in found in others. We are the providence of the inferior, we are the eyes for the blind, strength for the weak and a shield for the defenseless. We will force them to remember this. For every commonality we may have, we will be the one thing they cannot: we will be Zuìgāo.

Shiwan the Greater's Speech to Gōngjiān Emissaries



Life Cycle


Biological Variation


Evolutionary History


Finality of Form



Transition to Civilization


<xh3>Example Ethnicity Fake Header</xh3>

<xh3>Example Ethnicity Fake Header</xh3>

<xh3>Example Ethnicity Fake Header</xh3>

<xh3>Example Ethnicity Fake Header</xh3>

<xh3>Example Ethnicity Fake Header</xh3>


Refer to Cultural Details

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